More about Cornèr Bank Group
Cornèr Europe AG with its registered office in Vaduz (Liechtenstein) is part of Cornèr Bank Group. We provide financial intermediaries, asset managers, and family officers with high-quality, personalized solutions in the area of payment cards. Our client relationships are based on continuity, flexibility, and mutual trust.
Soundness - Security - Tradition - Innovation
Cornèr Bank, which was founded in Lugano in 1952, is a private and independent Swiss bank that offers its clients the whole range of traditional banking services. In addition to the areas of private banking and lending, it has also especially established itself on the Swiss market with the Visa, Mastercard, and Diners Club payment cards (Cornèrcard) as well as in the field of online trading (Cornèrtrader). In 1975, Cornèr Bank was the first Swiss bank to launch the Visa credit card and thanks to its continuous achievements in innovation it has played a key role in shaping the Swiss credit card landscape. Since 1998, Cornèrcard has also offered the Mastercard in its portfolio in addition to the Visa card. Cornèrcard has further expanded its presence in the payment card industry with the acquisition of the Diners Club license for Switzerland in 2014. Recognized in 2018 by "The Banker" for the fourth time in succession as Switzerland's most stable bank with respect to financial soundness, Cornèr Bank continues to affirm the effectiveness of its business policy, including its equity base.